Inspiring Meaningful Living through Impact : Posify

6 Techniques to Help You Speak Like a Leader

We all have important messages for the world. Some of us are fortunate enough to know what they are, others of us are still learning. At some point, I’ll bet you wished you had the gift of the gab, or an ability to transform someone’s thinking. Rhetoric is the art of using language in a persuasive voice, with the goal of changing the thinking of at least one other person.Be it in the form of public speaking or a written essay, put simply, rhetoric aims to impress. Who uses it? Politicians who want your vote. Companies who want your sales. Charities that want your support. Rhetoric is the language of leaders. And an effective leader has the capacity to make change. The cool thing is, just like any other skill, rhetoric can be taught and learned. With a little practice, it can be mastered!

In his recent TEDx Talk, Simon Lancaster chants: “Let’s revive rhetoric and learn how to stand up, and speak up!!” Check out his talk here:

(Disclaimer: Please be advised his speech does contain one expletive at 16.20)

Let’s take a look at some of Simon’s favourite rhetoric techniques:

A stylistic device used in literature and poetry that intentionally eliminates conjunctions (e.g. and, but, if) in sentences and between phrases, whilst maintaining grammatical accuracy. It helps to speed up the rhythm of words, creating immediate impact and emotive emphasis on a point.
For example, “Blue skies, sun shining, birds singing – it must be Spring!”
For a list of examples, click here.

Three repetitive sentences
But why three? Because they elicit the authentic sounds of passion! In rhetoric terms, this technique is referred to as tricolon. Three similar points are delivered in quick succession without interruption to make a single powerful impression. For example, “A government of the people, for the people, by the people” ~ Abraham Lincoln

Balancing Sentences
To be or not to be, that is the question.” ~ William Shakespeare.
If the sentence sounds like it is balanced, then we imagine that the underlying thinking is balanced.

Did you know that we use metaphor once in every 16 words?! Metaphors can be used to lead people towards things, or to repel them away from things. Research suggests that changing nothing more than a metaphor in a single text can fundamentally change people’s perspective on important topics.
Consider the following examples:
It is going to be clear skies from now on. This implies that clear skies are not a threat and life is going to be without hardships.
The financial storm: Was the Global Financial Crisis really an act of nature like the metaphor suggests??

Exaggerative Statements
Leaders convey passion with exaggeration, also known as the use of hyperbole. This is because emotion distorts perspective, which translates into our speech.

More people believe something is true if it rhymes!! This is partly due to the capacity of rhyme to increase the processing fluency of language. It also assists the process of memorisation. Your listener leaves remembering your message. Who can forget “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.
Keen for more on rhyme? The Literary Devices site has some great examples.


Did this post spark your curiosity? It’s time to challenge your learning with the following questions. Post your answers in the comment section below.

1. Consider Simon Lancaster’s improvisation using rhetoric. Can you pick where he is applying the above
2. Which techniques do you think worked best? Why?
3. What other public speaking techniques did he use? Consider pitch, tone, pace for example.

If you’re keen to build further on your public speaking and leadership skills, check out our range of workshops and programs, and contact us to see how we can tailor a program to meet your individual or community needs.

Featured image courtesy of Gavin Whitner

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Please check that you have entered your email address correctly, and if you have forgotten your password, attempt a password reset by clicking “Lost your password?” above. If you are still having difficulty, please check in with your teacher as they will be able to check your user registration and reset your login details or contact tech support for help should they need to. 

Not part of a school registration? Unfortunately, our Purpose Passport programs are currently only offered through school/organisation group registration (not currently available for individual sign up). Want to see that changed or interested in getting your school/organisation signed up? We’d love to chat! Fill out the form below and one of our team will be in touch shortly.

Jenna O'Connell

Jenna is a teacher and careers advisor, with a Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama & Performance), Bachelor of Education (K-12), and Graduate Certificate in Education Studies (Careers & Transitions).

Jenna is in her element when she is helping people and organisations discover their unique magic, and working with them in sharing this magic with the world to drive positive change. Her background sees an amalgam of over 15 years across corporate and education sectors, with extensive experience in curriculum development, coaching, facilitation, and mentorship. In addition to her work at The Posify Group, Jenna loves driving change in her local community as an Education Officer for Port Macquarie Hastings Council.

With helping others at the core of her personal purpose, Jenna contributes to various local youth projects and initiatives. Throughout 2017-2018, she mentored local youth in their project, Cards For Change, who went on to win a $2000 Pitch Project grant. She also volunteers for The Luminosity Youth Summit, is the Youth Ambassador Program Coordinator for Dyslexia Mid North Coast, and a proud ambassador for and presenter at #LitFest2444. 

Outside of her purpose work, you’ll find Jenna building forts and kicking soccer balls with her little guy or in her Dojo kicking goals towards her Tae Kwon Do black belt.

Mariane Power

Mariane, known affectionately as Mazz, is a Clinical Psychology Registrar and holds a Masters in Clinical Psychology from the University of Newcastle, a Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Performance.

Mariane’s big audacious goal is to see all unnecessary emotional pain and suffering eliminated within her lifetime, and she is obsessed with all things related to human potential. Mariane has over 15 years experience in consulting, facilitation and corporate training for personal and strategic growth. Her work as a Leadership Consultant in the corporate world and Psychologist in her Child and Adolescent Clinic further fuels her understanding of the necessary skills for 21st century success for the Next Gen.

Mariane is proud to have extended her personal purpose to support a number of not-for-profit and for-purpose initiatives including The Luminosity Summit, Project Gen Z and Ambisie. Her most recent pro-bono contribution involved designing and delivering the Coach 2020 program for Bambuddha Group, a leadership development organisation fostering kind leaders for a better world. In her spare time, you’ll find Mazz holding a spontaneous dance party in her kitchen and taking in all the coast has to offer with her family here in Port Macquarie.