Purposeful Women Series – Julia Chalon

Thanks for joining us for Part 5 of our Purposeful Women Series, celebrating International Women’s Day. We’ve had an incredible few days catching up with awe-inspiring, purpose-driven women, sharing their pearls of wisdom when it comes to walking down that purpose path. Just joining us? Welcome! Here are the links if you’d like to catch up on the series so far:

Part 1: Positive Psychologist and Founder of The Positivity Institute, Dr. Suzy Green

Part 2: Actress and Artistic Director of The Goods Theatre Company, Olivia Stambouliah

Part 3: Author of Finding Your Path Series, Amba Brown

Part 4Rustic Pathways Youth Ambassador, Elissa Veitch

Today we introduce you to a courageous woman we are stoked to have recently crossed paths with through the wonderful world of social media. While it was the artistic logo and engaging Insta feed that first caught our eye, it was the incredible message she is driven to deliver to women that truly drove us to connect. Julia Chalon, Founder of brand new Thrivhers, wants women to wake up every day and be awesome. She works tirelessly to understand the key ingredients that allow women to move courageously forward in the direction of their career and life goals, sharing insights through inspiring interviews with purpose-driven women.



Julia, it takes a lot of courage to leave behind a stable career and launch into a true purpose-journey. We commend you on your incredible start so far this year, and truly love following your interviews. Tell us about the moment you first connected with this purpose.

It took a drastic decision (to quit my job), to realise my value. I was exhausted and felt I was no longer worthy of my position. After feeling as if I had to constantly prove my worth day in day out, I decided in my mind the company was better off without me.

As soon as I resigned I was offered an incredible opportunity to stay as well as being offered a brilliant job to move. I suddenly realised that I was valued and I was worth significantly more than I thought. It was then I had an epiphany; my mission was clear. I wanted all women to realise their value, to take action and fulfil their own unique true brilliance.

What characteristics do you believe young women would benefit from as they embark on their own purpose journey? 

Confidence – Women should develop and capture confidence, believe you can and believe you will achieve your goals. 

Positivity – The ability to see the positive in everything, even in the failures, learn from them and then move onwards and upwards. I also believe being naturally positive attracts brilliant people and through that amazing things happen. 

Determination – The energy, ambition and drive to work relentlessly hard. The passion in your work also provides incredible fuel to surge you forwards. You can do draining hard work or fulfiling hard work. The latter will transform your life forever.

What do you consider a must-read, watch or listen for young women hoping to discover their purpose?

The Life Plan by Shannah Kennedy – This book is incredible, it takes every aspect of your life into consideration. I found this book a revelation in understanding what I really wanted for my life and how to go about getting it.

What wish do you have for the young women of today?

My wish is for women to know their value. Don’t waste time in a job or a situation you’re unhappy in. Take action, discover, experiment, make changes until you find yourself in your empowered place. Then a whole new incredible journey begins

Julia, we are so glad that our paths have crossed and so grateful to you for taking time to share your new and exciting purpose-filled journey with us. We’re confident your words will speak to the entrepreneurial spirit within our Group. We wish you all the best with Thrivhers and thank you for the inspiration and motivation your business provides in helping us all walk down our purpose-driven paths.

Keen for more of the ‘why’ story behind Thrivhers? Check it out here.

Two more amazing purpose-driven women to go in our 7 part Purposeful Women Series! Check back tomorrow as we catch up with a woman who is out to empower children to embrace their self-worth and spread kindness. Sriyanhi Narayanan, founder of Talem Underwear, will be sharing with us the ‘why’ story behind her new venture and imparting words of wisdom for our young women in their journey towards their own unique purpose.

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