Purposeful Women Series – Amba Brown

Welcome to Part 3 of our Purposeful Women Series, celebrating International Women’s Day 2018. If you’re just joining us today, be sure to check out Part 1 where we chat with the ever-inspiring positive psychologist, Dr.Suzy Green, and Part 2 where we catch up with positive change-maker and creative, actor/director, Olivia Stambouliah.

Today, we introduce you to a purpose-driven woman and author, Amba Brown. Amba’s fun book series, Finding Your Path, helps young people tackle transition periods, and shares many of the tools we know work when it comes to improving wellbeing. Amba’s words have travelled across the globe in books and articles, and her efforts to share the science of happiness have been featured in the Huff Post, ABC Radio National and even featured on the Ted X stage.



Amba, your fun book series “Finding Your Path” helps young people tackle transition periods, and shares many of the tools we know work when it comes to improving our wellbeing. Your words have travelled in books and articles across the globe and your efforts to share the science of happiness have even been featured on the Ted X stage.  

Tell us about the moment you first connected with the purpose that led to the creation of your books.

For me, it was less of a distinct moment and more a gradual build that I connected with over the years. As I slowly watched something, that I’d originally created for my younger self and siblings, be accepted by and useful for others, it just seemed to make sense to give it more energy.

What characteristics do you believe young women would benefit from as they embark on their own purpose journey? 

Self-awareness, self-belief, and self-determination – with the three of these, you’ll have the biggest head start on your “purpose journey”

What do you consider a must-read, watch or listen for young women hoping to discover their purpose?

Second to Oprah’s recent speech at the 2018 Golden Globe Awards, I’d suggest every young girl gets a copy of Girlosophy – a book to keep by your bed and pick up when you need help building the three key characteristics I mentioned above.

What wish do you have for the young women of today?

It has to be “equality”. I really wish it was something different, but until both genders receive the same treatment, respect, income, and opportunities, I believe it’s important we keep this one at the top of the “wish-list”. 

Thank you, Amba, for your wise words and the dedication you give to your work to help young people discover and travel down their own purpose-paths. I’m sure your words will inspire many to pursue their big dreams with confidence and purpose.

For more inspiring words from Amba Brown and to celebrate her mantra “You’re in charge of your own happiness”, head over to her website, www.findingyourpathbooks.com and let her know we said hi!

Missed Part 1 & 2? Catch up here.

Check in tomorrow as we introduce you to someone who’s been with us since the beginning of our own purpose journey of establishing the Posify Group; our young and fearless youth ambassador, Elissa Veitch.

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