Purposeful Women Series – Dr Suzy Green

Finding your purpose is a truly unique and personal journey. It calls upon your values, demands the persistent and creative use of your strengths and richly rewards you with a sense of meaning, connectedness and accomplishment.  At a time where matters of equality are stepping into almost every worthwhile conversation, we wanted to find a purposeful way to celebrate International Women’s Day. Here at The Posify Group, we believe positive change comes about when like-minded people unite in voice. We are thrilled to profile, over the next week, women who continue to inspire us in their chosen space. We hope that in hearing their stories, the next generation of women will be inspired and encouraged to speak confidently about their own unique purpose.

We’ll be hearing from Australian Director and Actor Olivia StambouliahAuthor Amba Brownand Rustic Pathways Ambassador Elissa Veitch amongst othersTo kick-start our celebration, we are thrilled to have had the opportunity to pick the positive brains of a woman who truly champions positive psychology in AustraliaDr Suzy Green.



Dr Suzy Green, your business The Positivity Institute is on a mission to create a flourishing world. You have been a key inspiration to us, and openly share your knowledge on what it takes to create positive change.

Tell us about the moment you first connected with this purpose. 

When I discovered Positive Psychology and the power it has to change lives, schools, workplaces, communities and the world!  Over time as my knowledge and confidence grew I could see that speaking and consulting in this area was playing to my natural strengths of optimism, growth, mission and legacy also.

What characteristics do you believe young women would benefit from as they embark on their own purpose journey?   

Definitely bravery – although Im seeing more of that in our younger women now.  I also think a little bit of prudence (caution) doesn’t go astray and the capacity to ask questions and reflect before taking action – mindfulness helps here as you know.

What do you consider a must-read, watch or listen for young women hoping to discover their purpose?  

Oh there are so many books and movies that I’ve been inspired by – mostly ones that have been around a long time which probably means they’re onto something –  “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl, “The Four Agreements” by Paula Coehlo, “Simple Abundance” by Sarah Ban Breathnach, “Return to Love” by Mariane Williamson.  More recently the movie “Joy” which highlighted so many character strengths that a young woman needs to overcome challenges in order to be successful in whatever venture they choose.

What wish do you have for the young women of today?  

That they learn as many psychological skills as possible to help them be brave and live a meaningful life. Thankfully this is starting to happen in schools, but we’ve got a long way to go!  Some must-have skills in my opinion include the regular practice of mindfulness and gratitude as a basis for a flourishing life but also learning the skills of “mental toughness” which includes thinking skills and anxiety management skills.

Thank you Dr Suzy Green. You remain a constant source of inspiration to us, and we’re sure our readers will want to devour more of your positively deviant insights via your website.

You can connect with Dr Suzy Green by visiting www.thepositivityinstitute.com.au and through social media @drsuzygDrop by tomorrow to hear more purpose journey tips from Australian born Director and Actor, Olivia Stambouliah.

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