Spotlight on Men’s Health: What Really Matters?

This week is Men’s Health Week, so we thought we’d grab a few of our optimistic male buddies and start a conversation around health issues that matter to them. Here’s what they had to say…

Matt Purcell

Musician, Speaker, Entrepreneur

What is a strength you admire in others?

The ability to overcome and give meaning to huge challenges in life.

What’s one health tip you’d give your 15-year-old self?
A mental health tip for sure! “Matt, question all that is popular. If you don’t you’ll be in danger of living a life where your identity and value is dictated by culture and other people’s expectations. Rather,  live a life by your own design.”

If you could impact one health challenge facing men, what would it be?
Mental health, particularly on the subject of anxiety and stress. I  wish I had the education I now have about these two things when I was younger.

Inspired by Matt? Check out his website,

James Holbeck

Former International Sports player, Speaker, Writer, Coach

What is a strength you admire in others?
Integrity. Someone whose actions speak louder than their words.

What’s one health tip you’d give your 15-year-old self?
I was diagnosed with stress fractures in my back at 15, so I’d say  “Seek the best help you can find and then do everything they say to  keep it strong by getting in a good routine and including others who will support you.”

If you could impact one health challenge facing men, what would it be?
My passion is to find solutions for anything which prevents men from being great partners and fathers.

For more words of wisdom from James, head over to his website,

Michael Ellis

Head of Culture at Vinomofo

What is a strength you admire in others?

A strength I admire in others is empathy. It matters less to me what you’re capable of, I’m more interested in what you do with those strengths and how they make the world a better place for you having them. 

What’s one health tip you’d give your 15-year-old self?

A health tip I’d give my 15 yr old self is to play more competitive sport. It’s such a healthy outlet for that energy and testosterone swirling around at that age.

If you could impact one health challenge facing men, what would it be?

If I could impact one health challenge facing men it would be to normalise getting help, particularly for mental health issues. We need support, we need to talk about our challenges. Too many men are dying or killing themselves and others as a result of issues that are undiagnosed and treatable.

More inspiration from Michael is available over on his website,

For more information about Men’s Health Week, including facts, tips and inspiration, head to the official website:

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